Class Action Lawsuits: Strength In Numbers
Class action lawsuits allow several to thousands of people to join together and sue a person or entity that harmed them. Class actions allow people to sue when it wouldn’t be possible or economical for them to sue individually. Suing as one big group can also be more impactful and successful than smaller, singular claims.
If you have a gut feeling that something is unfair or deceptive, it is vital that you reach out to our experienced attorney, specialized in high-profile class action litigation, to see if you may have a case. At The Law Offices of Brandee J.K. Faria, LLLC, I have over 20 years of experience helping the people of Hawaii and throughout the country with their class action lawsuits.
You Deserve Justice For What You Have Suffered
Everyone has the right to sue as an individual, so why should you join a class action lawsuit instead? There are many benefits to a class action, including cost-effectiveness, practicality, and the ability to file a claim that may be too small on your own. No matter how small a fee or charge, it all adds up. Class action attorneys act like private attorney generals who police companies and hold them accountable.
Class action lawsuits can be filed in a variety of different legal areas including:
- Consumer: including false advertising, wrongful foreclosure, bait and switch, and improper, hidden, or otherwise non-disclosed fees or other overcharges/upcharges, and unfair and deceptive trade practices or unfair competition.
- Product liability: including defective design or manufacture, failure to properly warn, or providing tainted or otherwise defective products into commerce.
- Employment law: including wage and hour law violations, workplace discrimination, harassment, ADA violations, and wrongful termination.
- Fraud: including credit card fraud, lending fraud, wrongful foreclosure, and fraudulent inducement or transfers.
- Breach of contract: including commercial, business, and real estate litigation, contract actions involving individuals and on behalf of corporations or partnerships, actions for specific performance as well as those involving monetary damages.
Class actions can be based on many different things including service charges, wrongful disclosures, and consumer and employee issues. While the issues brought forth in a class action lawsuit can vary, the harm must be common to all class members to be a valid case.
Accomplishing More In A Single Action
Class action lawsuits often allow you to accomplish more and give you a greater chance of success than filing alone. As your class action attorney, I can focus on the needs and requirements of one case instead of several smaller claims. I use the leverage of the group to put pressure on the entity that harmed you. Seeking justice is my goal, and I do everything in my power to ensure that you get what you deserve. Call The Law Offices of Brandee J.K. Faria, LLLC today to schedule a free consultation at 808-523-2300 or fill out an online contact form.